Matt Touchie - Program offers Ticket to Opportunities

Matt Touchie is an ET/CL student who didn't make it to graduation last year, but is making it to the stage this year. Matt is a hard-working, upright and honest individual who benefited immensely from the program. The program could have quite possibly saved his life, as he admits to heavy drinking before the course. At first he didn't come with many objectives, apart from structure and something to take up his time. “I wanted nothing at first, when I first came here. It was something to get me out of bed and stop drinking all the time. After the first three weeks of doing this course, I actually benefited and started learning more things, met new guys. Met Mark - Mark's a good guy.”

Not only did Matt curb his drinking habits due to the program and the supports that the program offered him, he also gained numerous tickets. “I picked up a lot of knowledge that will help down the road. I have certificates in my pocket now.” The tickets one obtain are first aid, forklift operation, a Learner's licence, and WHMIS. These tickets are incredibly valuable, especially in blue-collar work like construction and working in hardware stores.

Matt was also very happy with the program and praised it very highly. “I'd consider it highly valuable. It's a great course. You get to meet a lot of friendly guys. Ian, John, Greg... Everyone's nice. I think it's all good. From my understanding, we have all the necessary supports.” The supports that Matt mentions are integral to the program and are essential in the success stories the program has engrained in the students as they proceed through to graduate and go on to find work. Matt Touchie is just one of many lives changed under the program and one of the examples of how those with serious challenges can be helped and reformed to productive, happy members of society.

About this blogger: Kane Schlichting is a writer, blogger and college student with the ET/CL (Employment Transition/Construction Labourer) program, with interest in short stories and photography. Contact Kane

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